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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Paw Keepers Health and Safety Protocols

To Our Clients and Loving Pet Families of Dumfries and  Woodbridge

We value and appreciate the trust you place in us to take care of your fur babies.

Paw Keepers Dog Walking and Pet Sitting services are essential, especially now as the country seeks to reopen. Please know that Paw Keepers is here, and, like the past 17 years, we remain available to provide daily dog walks and in-home pet sitting for the pet households of Dumfries and Woodbridge.


Regardless of any situation, the safety and well-being of our dog walkers, pet sitters, and clients are our top priority. That’s why we’ve taken extra care to provide our team with the most up-to-date safety information and training to keep everyone protected and healthy during this time.


In response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, we now practice a contactless hand-off to help keep caregivers, clients, and pets safe during visits. This measure creates a safety protocol that will minimize the risk of spreading harmful bacteria causing viruses and ensure a healthy and safe home environment for your family and pets.  


Pet Owner and Pet Sitter COVID -19 Contactless Hand-off

  • Dog walking or drop-in service while the client is home.
  • Keep a minimum of 6 feet between client and pet sitter whenever possible.
  • Consider allowing pet sitter to let themselves in via front door or garage.
  • Ensure your pet is easily accessible, and consider gating them near the entry area.
  • Allow your sitter to bring their leash, harness, and dog pickup bags. Paw Keepers will provide these items at no charge, for use exclusively with your pet. At no time will your pet's equipment be used on another client's pet.
  • If you do not want Paw Keepers to provide the dog walking equipment, leave a clean dog lead near your door.
  • If a dog lead hand-off is necessary, keep the interaction quick and be sure to wash your hands after.
  • The sitter will sanitize doorknobs after each visit to your home.

Paw Keepers Also Strongly Encourages All Clients To Do The Following

  • Before all visits, do your best to answer all questions and exchange any essential information electronically via text, email, or voicemail.
  • Keep interactions short. If you're not able to discuss important pet care details electronically, try to keep your interaction short and be sure to maintain a 6-foot distance throughout the conversation
  • Practice social consciousness by distancing yourself from others, especially if you have underlying conditions that put you at a high risk of getting sick..
  •  If you are experiencing concerning symptoms or have been exposed to someone who has, please communicate that to your sitter prior to booking


If you have any questions, please contact us here. We take great pride in our team and are committed to assisting you every step of the way. We are grateful for the opportunity to serve you.


Thank you for placing your trust in Paw Keepers.


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